Comments on: 7 Genuinely Good Reasons to Buy Cheap Colored Pencils Painting Tips, Artist Reviews, Selling Art Online and more Mon, 10 Jun 2019 14:56:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shirley Tracy Mon, 10 Jun 2019 14:56:11 +0000 Great article! As a humorous aside, I discovered the perfect wall color from a paint-by-number I got when I was sick. It had various green and blue tints and values I wanted in my room. I can do all sorts of art projects, but am a real putz at interior design/decorating. And, as an artist, I know very well that a room’s lighting can affect the perceived color on your wall. But I happened upon the perfect color in the BPN kit, and I know right away which one I’ll look for at the paint store!

And as far as the quality of the art media you use, don’t forget that it’s what you do with the medium that you’re using that counts. Photographers also discuss this w/their equipment. Do what’s right for YOU!
